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Meaningless Monday

Summertime, Summertime, Sum Sum Summertime
There. Now you have it in your head all day too.

I've changed clothes three times today. It was cool this morning, warm an hour later and sweltering by the time I picked up youngest from lunch bunch.

Let's hope my two lb weight gain over the wkend is from being bloated with a little PMS and not because of the dream I had last night that I was 3 months pregnant. With my third boy!!

Think the next title for my book is going to be Wife becomes addicted to Ambien because of snorer husband. I fall asleep fine. I just dont stay asleep. I blame a good portion of this problem on dear husband who I kick every 45 minutes because he is facing the wrong way- making him snore louder than I would like. Surely I will need rehab to get off of this stuff.

And Tums. I'm thinking popping them like tic tacs cant be a good thing.

PT so far is not helping my shoulder. A matter of fact; she did such a deep massage to get rid of my "tightness" that I was in agony for 4 days after. Feeling better today--just in time for tomorrow's appointment and to start the vicious cycle all over again.

Am looking forward to September when my two boys will be in Elementary School full time. Looking forward to my 6 hours of alone time and thinking that this will last six months before I start climbing the walls looking for something to do. Please talk me down if I start volunteering for things. I might as well be getting paid for my hard work at some point, right? Come January maybe I'll start looking.

Paper or plastic anyone?
