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Kindergarten Visit Day

Let's just say, I'm thankful my kids go to public school as youngest would have failed his interview process this morning.

Today was "Kindergarten visit day"
Today is three days before our trip to Disney
Today oldest has an ear infection and running a 102 fever.

Happy Birthday Week to me

Youngest appeared excited to visit K until I picked him up from preschool and he demanded he was hungry.
Of course, I asked him ten times before we left if he wanted a snack prior to going.
Oh no Mommy.I can wait till afterwards.

Apparently he couldn't
After telling him I had no snack he pouted the entire hour we visited school.
Pouting along with being rude, fresh and tantrums do not make a great first impression.

Thankfully this was their third of fourth impression as oldest is in the same class and everyone has met my charming almost 5 year old on several other occasions.

"Do you want to play with blocks? The kitchen area? See the chicks? Play candyland?"

and I said

Out of context I normally would've screamed bloody murder at him but seeing I was surrounded by other Mom's I didn't know and a classroom full of professionals who potentially could have called DSS on me, I refrained and managed the lethal glare. And of course, the cursing under my breath.

"I'm cranky Mommy because I'm hungry"

Oldest's teacher saved the day by offering him some Graham Crackers. Yes, he would take them but didn't want to eat them until after the tour of the school.
Once we hit the cafeteria he decided he waited long enough and ripped open the crackers. Of course they fell on the floor and the flood gates opened.

More tantrums
More pouts
More screams

I threaten to leave but he screams even louder. If we weren't in a school I would have clearly carried him out but, I couldn't. He said he wanted to stay so we continued with the two minute tour and raced for the car.

Then I screamed
I was around the corner from the town Police department and am really shocked no one called the authorities on me.
I was that loud.
The boys remained quiet on the journey home; clearly afraid to speak, while I stewed.

Fed youngest a bagel and butter when he got home.
He is now dancing around the house performing a "show" with oldest while I ...
still sit here and stew.

So to the entire Deerfield Elementary School,
I promise you my child will be fed every two hours so that you will never have to endure his behavior again

Very Angry Mommy
