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Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is my second favorite holiday (coming in after Thanksgiving because nothing beats a day that consists of a turkey coma and my Mother's stuffing)

Mother's Day is right up there at the top because I went through hell and back to get here.

Motherhood was not easy for me to attain.

Countless injections, ultrasounds, and many hormones got pumped into my body for over two years. Then of course I had the pregnancy from hell, stayed in a hospital for months on end and had a tragic outcome after the birth of my twin boys.

I think it is because of all that which is why I appreciate the day. The day that reminds me how blessed I am to have two amazing children in my life. Two boys who are the combination of dear husband and me. Two boys who have grown up so quickly yet I remember rocking them in my arms as if it were yesterday.

Today, I also celebrate my own Mother. The woman who I used to yell at and slam doors at while screaming "you just don't understand". The woman who survived my teenage years along side of me and made me into the woman I am today. She taught me to be independent, strong, and loving. She passed onto me back problems, an addiction to chocolate and the ability to write. Those teenage years are now so far behind me and I now celebrate each day with her as not only my Mom, but one of my very best friends.

So to my Mom, I hope I pass on the same wonderful qualities to my children that you have to me. I hope that when my sons are older they know that I unconditionally love them-because I have always felt that from you.

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom
And to all the wonderful mother's I know in my life.
