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Put the seat down. And aim...

(My own version of "wearing the corsage")

To my sons:

Ask her out. The worst she will say is no and I promise you; you will get over it; some day.
Call her after your date. Don't listen to "the rules" about waiting the right amount of time. If you had a great time-let her know. But don't call all the time. It's annoying.
Do your own laundry. Clean your dishes. Make your bed.
Never be mean. If you are- always say you're sorry.
Put the toilet seat down when you're done. And aim.
I hope your brother will always be your best friend.
Play nicely.
Never tease anyone if they look or act differently then you do. You look different to them.
Pay on the first date.
And the second and third.
Offer a bite of your dessert.
Be respectful to your date's parents.
Do not EVER EVER EVER get behind the wheel if you have been drinking.
Do not wear socks with sandals
Wearing a tie will always make you look even more handsome
Cursing is unbecoming
Smoking makes you sick and your breath stink
Be true to yourself
Dance often
Family is everything
