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Post vaca blues

For those following the poopy diaries- we have progress. Youngest has now sat- ON A TOILET- and pooped!
Okay, let me add that he is wearing a pull up while doing this but did you hear me? SITTING ON A TOILET? A huge step. Maybe we can avoid toileting school after all.

I'm in post vacation blues mode. It was so nice being away. I forgot about real life issues for a whole 6 days.
Then I came home.
And cried while driving home from a Physical Therapy appointment. Not because I was in physical pain (although I do need PT twice/wk for darned shoulder and arm problems. One stemming from post mastectomy issues so yea, that kind of sucks) but I cried because I miss my Dad.

It's been so busy the past few weeks that I haven't really had time to miss him. If that makes any sense. Busy with the boys. Busy packing. Busy in Disney. But now my busy-ness is over and I have time now.
Time to be sad.
Time to cry.
Time to miss him.

It's still very surreal to me even though it has been over a month.
I cant believe I wont be walking into the house and seeing him eating a bowl of cereal at the table.
He wont be sitting in his chair watching a PATS game.
No more watching him play cribbage after Thanksgiving dinner or making me home made chicken salad with the chopped up pickles- just the way he knew I liked it.

I miss my Dad
