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Breathe in. Breathe out. Move.

When oldest had a g tube it was our best friend and worst enemy. It was often used as a crutch when he didn't feel like eating, yet,  it  was a savior any time he was dehydrated or sick (think: getting awful tasting meds in your sick kid without any issues)

This is how I feel about my port.
 It sticks out a bit and that bulging vein thing is a bit  creepy but do I love it when I can easily have blood drawn and IV meds infused into me? You betcha! 

I have terrible veins. You would think I may have spent my early years as a drug user. I always get stuck at least twice (something about small rolling veins ) and often when I need an IV (because I'm queen of surgeries) they have to put it into my hand. Those of you who have been there with me hurts! So the port- a quick second of a pinch then good to go. Infuse away. 

Today's chemomates were acupuncture woman- yup- needles in legs and neck as she lied there- no hair- a rash on her cheeks from the steroid but quite zen. Her sister got caught up on the latest issue of Good Housekeeping while I looked up every now and then from my PEOPLE checking out Emma Stone's best looks. 

Next to me was chatty man. And loud chatty man who was actually quite calm that he couldn't get chemo because his labs were low. (Those interested in the ins and outs of chemo: bloodwork is done each session and we wait for results before chemo can start. If your bloodwork is low - no chemo for that day. I hope this doesn't happen to me. I'm type A and have my remaining 10 sessions worked out perfectly. I don't like change) 
Chatty man was alone and it made me sad. No one should have to go through chemo alone. Believe me I get that people need to work and take care of kids and have their own appointments to deal with. I am forever indebted to DH and my wonderful friends who will be by my side during this ride.

Thankfully labs were fine for me- got my pre meds (steroid, Pepcid and Benadryl- cut in half this week but nonetheless still made me take a snooze) then an hour of taxol. (Off week not needing med number 2) . 
After my catnap and graham cracker snack I went upstairs to get my wig. It's a bit darker than my current hair (thanks to color and hilights) but not a bad match. I feel a bit like an Orthodox Jew (note: because I'm Jewish it's ok to make fun of this) but it will do. 
So I wait. I wait for the hair to fall out. I wait for the side effects to set in. I wait for another week so I can check another session off my calendar. 
I'm trying to take it one day at a time. I'm not succeeding. 
But I'm not failing either. 
"Breathe in. Breathe out. Move" #buffettknowsall
