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Random rants

Why must I have a weekly weigh in before chemo? It's only a reminder that I'm still 20lbs overweight. Cruel punishment. I was really hoping I'd find a silver lining in chemo and lose some quick weight. Not so much. Steroids are not your dieting friend. Either is menopause. Sure I feel crappy for a couple days but that's when I crave PBJ and a bagel and cream cheese. Not exactly a green salad. After this year is over I vow never to eat a graham cracker again. For those keeping track day 15-still have my hair- still have my 20 lbs. Overheard chemomate give his date of birth today which ended in 1990. Cancer doesn't discriminate. Watching the news during chemo is not very relaxing. Jcc bomb threats across the country doesn't exactly exude a peaceful mind. Speaking of- I LOVE my meditation app. Need to find a few more. I love that I can be zen. I love that I can use zen in a sentence. Much love to my village people. From cancer girl "Some of its magic- some of its tragic- but I had a good life all the way" #buffettknowsall
