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I think youngest may be ready to give up naps. I really cant believe I'm even saying it out loud because, honestly, I think my children should nap till they're 10, or at least until they are able to entertain themselves enough for an hour to give mommy her down time that's so needed!
We are on day two of H-E double hockey sticks and today isn't much better. Wednesdays oldest has back to back speech and feeding therapy so I'm there for two hrs. Thankfully I have my blessed sitter to watch youngest during this time. Two hours of entertaining him at therapy is not what I consider, well, fun. Today wonderful sitters calls to tell me she needed to have her tooth pulled and cant make it this afternoon. No big deal really. Youngest looks exhausted because he was up at 6am and I'm sure will have a good nap. I then can manage to entertain him while oldest is at therapy. It is now 30 minutes into nap time and youngest has done anything but that. He has sung every song he knows from his Friday mornings at library time, he has talked to all his animals, guzzled down a sippy cup filled with his milk, and yelled "all done nighties, where are you Mommy?" at least half a dozen times. He's funny as all can be to listen to but I really relish my down time and I just am not getting it these days. This is not what motherhood was supposed to be like!
Yesterday he also didn't nap and he was a pure joy (can you sense the sarcasm through a blog?) so today should be just as fun.
How many hours till my husband gets home?? I need to go nighties!
