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March for Babies

Today we completed our 4th annual march for babies. The March of Dimes became near and dear to us after oldest and Zachary were born at 28weeks almost 5 years ago. It is so hard to believe it has been 5 years. The day of the walk is always so much fun but means a lot to me personally as well. It is a day that I marvel in oldest'saccomplishments, reflect on the past and shed a tear for the loss of Zachary. Each year we run into old friends and familiar faces. Today I ran into Dr Steven Ringer, the director of Neonatology at BWH and a physician who means a great deal to our family. I met Dr Ringer when I was admitted at 22wks. He sat in my room and told Dear Husband and I the chances of survival if I gave birth to the boys that week. He then told us what would happen at 24 weeks and that he hoped to be sitting along side of me at 28weeks painting a very different picture for us. He, like others at the time, could not predict our outcome. I had already lost a lot of fluid with both oldest and Zachary (earlier loss with Zachary) but he was optimistic that I could hang in there so..he gave me hope. Hope was all I could hang on to. Dr Ringer was on call the night the boys were born. He was in the OR with me, trying to save my sons lives. He told me oldest looked "good" but Zachary's condition was "grave". Dr Ringer knocked on my hospital room door 7 hours later. He walked in...and I cried. I screamed. I clung to Dear Husband.
"I'm so sorry" he said. As he too, shed a tear.
Dr Ringer is an amazing Neonatologist but more importantly, a wonderful human being. He treated oldest  in the NICU for 3 months and always spoke to Dear Husband and me with honesty and sincerity. I was so happy to see him today. 5 years later. I was proud to show off oldest to show him what hope created!
So, on the day of March for Babies, please everyone remember that each baby, each life, is truly a miracle.
Take a minute and hug your child a little longer tonight.
I did...
