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The third child

My boys are great sleepers. They've been sleeping through the night for a very long time yet I still am awoken 2-3 times a night (if not more) What is waking me? My third child. Codie; our cat. She is driving me bonkers. She meows every night at 3am and 5am and various times in between. Often she will bring her cat toys into the bedroom wanting to play. I took them away and she still comes meowing. I need to then move over so she can hop on the bed and lie next to me..butt in my face. She stays there for all of 5 minutes, climbs across my night table, knocking over whatever is in the way, and then is off. Leaving me, wide awake with a snoring husband. I, of course, cannot fall back to sleep easily (unlike Dear Husband who doesnt have a problem falling immediately back to sleep..that is, if was ever awoken!) I then make my way into the office to sleep on the couch because his snoring is driving me crazy.
I got my cat 13 years ago and she was a constant companion for me in my single days. I love her yet, sadly, she has clearly been replaced by two toddler boys. Her days of cuddles are over because I developed allergies to her over the past few years. Her playdays are over because, well, frankly, I dont have the energy to play with her anymore. It's sad. It's not her fault and it's no wonder she vies for my attention in the middle of the night. It's the only time she can get it!!
