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It's becoming real..

Surgery is scheduled for a week from today. It became very real to me when I did my pre-op apt today (over the phone) with the anasthesia nurse. They were very thorough in going over my history but when she started to describe what my AM would be like the day of surgery, I went into a panic attack. The word "stretcher" alone set me into heart palpitations. I've been strong and am sure I will continue to remain positive but I've never been "under the knife" for such a long period of time and am dreading the recovery period. Sure, a day or two of bedrest and all day TV will be nice but after that, I'm sure the excitement of doing nothing will wear off.
So for the next 7 days I intend to treat myself to getting my hair colored, dinner with a friend, and a weekend of fun and relaxation with my boys (hmm, not sure fun and relaxation can go hand in hand when talking about two active get the gist)
I continue to be humbled and amazed by the support I've been receiving from friends near and far. It sounds trite but I am truly blessed...
