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A tribute to my husband

I'm sure that on December 2nd, 2000, when Dear Husband and I took our vows, that he didn't really expect the sickness and health part to start so early.
My husband has been my rock since day one. He is the patient and rational one. He is the non worrier, the lets see what happens guy.
Me. Type A. Anal, worrier, list maker, always thinking ahead and sadly, glass half empty kind of girl.
Dear Husband, Total opposite. We have different personalities. I'm a bit more extroverted and definitely more of a communicator. He is more quiet and laid back but I wouldn't label him as shy. In our case, opposites attracted. And we work.
I know marriages that have fallen apart because of infertility issues. I know men who cannot handle the loss of a child and therefore, stopped communicating with their wives. Marriages again, fallen apart. I know men who are raising a special needs child with daily frustration and not understanding the mother's day to day role. I am so fortunate this is not my husband.
He works full time yet comes home, helps me with the boys, gives me a much needed break if I need one. He willingly "allows" me to have some "ME" time on the weekends and will cart the boys around wherever they need to go. He knows my weeks full of therapies with Jared are stressful and I know that if he didn't have to go into work he would relieve me in a heartbeat.
And here we are again. Another obstacle in our life.
I say our life because I know we are in this Cancer thing together. I know he is by my side.
I have felt feelings of guilt the past few weeks. Guilt about me not being able to care of my boys for a few weeks and Dear Husband needing to take over the household by himself on top of taking care of me. My hardest part of my recovery I know will be allowing someone to take care of me. I'm not very good at that. I am the caretaker. I run the show. It's what I do and know how to do. It's my type A personality shining through.
Dear Husband rises to the occasion once again as I tell him about my apt with the surgeon that he couldn't go to with me because he took the day off of work to watch the boys once our sitter got sick. He listens to me as I read exerpts from my "cancer" books about what will happen to me and how people feel post-mastectomy. He holds me as I cry and sob and panic about what is to come.
I ask him over and over if he is okay with all of this. If he will be okay with me and a fake boob. Will he be grossed or weirded out by it all?
He tells me, matter of factly, of course not. That all that matters to him is that I am healthy. And alive. And to continue to be a wife and a mother to our family.
So that my my husband in a nutshell.
Cut and worries.
Just solid as a rock.
Through sickness and health
for better and for worse.
I love you....
