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It's now behind me

The worst; I hope, is over. Tuesday was tough. I cried..a lot. I got dizzy during a "nerve block" that they did on me pre-op and my pressure dropped. I apparently said goodnight to all the nurses and doctors as I was going under, I asked immediately upon waking if my nodes were clean. THEY WERE! I have clean lymph nodes.
Tuesday was a blur. I barely remember coming out of anaesthesia. I was in pain and thankfully had morphine literally under my thumb. A pain pump is a great invention.I was prodded every few hrs by interns and residents checking out my new boob. I was asked 100 times if I was peeing and how was my pain on a scale of 1-10. I awoke Wednesday AM unsure if I wanted to stay an extra night or not. I opted out and came home late Wed afternoon to the comfort of my own bed.
I am in a hospital brand sports bra that I cannot take off (except to shower) until next Tuesday. I have a huge wad of gauze stuck into my bra and have moved from morphine to percocet. I cannot lift my arm above my head and it's hard to roll over. I have not slept. I have a drain sutured into me that I have to drain twice/day for the next week.
However, in spite of all that, Im really doing okay. Emotionally I'm feeling strong. The worst is over and I know it could've gone in a whole different direction. Im thankful for that. I will rest up and heal...I will go back in a few months to make my good boob match my fake one and I figure, I'll be the envy of all my friends in 20 yrs.
It's behind me.
I survived.
I'm now an official Breast Cancer Survivor.


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