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Mama said there'd be days like this..

I need drugs.
Serious drugs.
Okay...I'll settle for a vacation.
Or even a day.
I need a day.

On the way to my son's preschool "FALL FESTIVAL" I followed a car with a bumper sticker that read "Every Mother is a working Mother" AMEN SISTER!!
This is by far the hardest, most exhausting and underpaid job I've ever had.

Youngest is draining the life out of me. My hair is growing grayer by the minute (okay, it may have something to do with the fact that I'm overdue for a coloring by a couple of wks) but still..GRAYING!

The pooping; or lack there of, is just an issue that will not go away. It wont go away of course because I refuse to let it go; as does my equal, as stubborn as his mother, 4 year old son.
For the love of.....

And fresh! Did I mention how fresh he has become? At four?! Terrible two's were nothing. Three's..I could deal but this attitude...SERENITY NOW.

I tell him today that if he is going to continue to poop in his pullups that he needs to get himself undressed and into one each time he has to go. So he does. But not well. He accidentally pees all over the bathroom floor, on his legs and drenches his socks. He proceeds to scream as I'm cleaning it up and then insists I change him because he doesn't know how to pull off the pullup without dropping the contents all over the place. Kid's got a point.

I know one day I will look back on this and this will seem like small potatoes but for now..I repeat..SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF ME!

Went for a follow up with my plastic surgeon to take off the tape and see how the boobs look. Naturally I get an allergic reaction to the tape and I'm all red and itchy and continue to be for days now. Nothing's easy. The boobs look good. I have two massive scars on each which I know will fade but for some reason, for now, are making me very sad. I've been a little weepy lately. Not sure if it's just that it came crashing down on me at once after this last surgery or not. But; weepy. Scars that I shouldn't have are just huge reminders to me that I had Cancer. The boys are stressing me out these days and I've just found myself more emotional then usual (husband may beg to differ. I'm always emotional he reminds me)
I meet with my Oncologist next week. A Dr. that I wish I didn't need to have in my life yet am anxious to see what he has to say. I'm sure I will be starting Tamoxifen..
can't wait for the hot flashes to begin!

Yes, Mama said there'd be days like this
days like this
Mama Said.


  1. I have a Poop solution for you! The Poop Fairy. My was so stubborn, he was pooping in pull-ups, then under pants. It didn't bother him. It sent my husband to the ROOF when he did it in his underpants. He was in absolute control of when he went since he was two. But, I too listened to EVERYONE who said not to push him because I was about to have his sister (25 months apart). I wasn't totally up to it at the end of my pregnancy either...ANYWAY, in desperation I concocted the Poop Fairy and told my son one day when he was 3 and a quarter that on the Thanksgiving night after you turn 3 the Poop Fairy comes and takes away all the pull-ups and leaves in their place a Poop Prize. I told him we had to pray to the Poop Fairy every night until Thanksgiving for help going to the potty and of course for the Poop Prize. It worked. I will email you the story I wrote about it and the little chant we did every night. He REALLY believes in the Poop Fairy. Prior to that, we actually took off everything when he was home so he was left with two options, neither of which he liked. I was totally freaked about it. He was so stubborn about it. I FEEL your pain and frustration!!!!!

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