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NB and HB

New boob is getting a nipple on Friday. Craziness right? I have no nipple right now. (Did I just lose any male readers that I had with TMI)(Too much information. Do I really need to decipher acronyms for people these days in the world full of texting and tweets?)
Anyways, no nipple.
I'm not really sure how they create one although I did read something about tattooing. Jews supposedly aren't supposed to be buried in a Jewish cemetery with tattoos. I wonder if this counts? Cancer and all I would think would be grandfathered in somehow.
So, Friday, I get a new nipple.
And a breast lift.
Big day for the girls.
I wasn't nervous or anxious or anything...until yesterday. Then it hit me. I had Cancer. Breast Cancer.
It's sometimes a dream to me; a bad dream but a dream.
I honestly have put it in the back of my mind and have moved on. No joke. I really have. I'm an open book and certainly willing to talk about it to anyone and everyone. Sometimes I like to use it to my advantage even ..pulling the sympathy card and all... I couldn't get to losing my 10lbs this summer bc I was busy recovering from a mastectomy. is hard to believe..even for me and I was there.
So yea, I put it all behind me already and here I am. Reminded once again that I had it. It's gone and I'm thankful, but, it was there. I had Cancer in my body which honestly is kind of a freaky thing to think about.
I know this surgery will be a nothing in comparison. It's not as emotional and the recovery will not be as intense but still, surgery. Still, a reminder why I'm doing this breast lift. I'm doing it to feel good about myself so that my boobs match up in the look department even though no one sees them other than me (and occasionally my husband!!!) I figure I'm allowed to do feel good about myself. Insurance feels the same because they pay for it without a blinking of the eye. Some mandated law or something.
So in 48 hours I go back to Mass General to see my beloved old camp friend who will preform miracles on my boobs and will make NB and HB a matched set.
Thanks Jon (do I need to call him Dr now that he has seen my boobs even though I knew him when I was 16?)
As I said in July...
see you on the other side folks!
