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Post- surgery #2

On day 3 of "resting" and honestly, it's a bit over rated. As I said last time I was recuperating, 2 days is nice..really nice. Nothing wrong with a few cat naps and catching up on law and order marathons but day 3 and I'm getting antsy. The thing is..Im not ready to be up and about so my body basically tells me I have no choice. Rest it is.
Surgery went fine. You know, the usual of get there at 6AM, dont be late, and then let me have you sit for 45 minutes until I call you to get you in to a Johnnie. Oh and sorry, there are no beds right now to put you in so lets get a few people off to surgery while you wait in the waiting room in your over sized Johnnie bottoms, top and robe (and dont forget the booties!) A bed opens and then 3 different people come to check on me and ask me the same questions as the previous person. No, I haven't eaten since midnight, I haven't taken any motrin products for the past 2 weeks and yes, I feel safe in my house. (Seriously, true question these days. They need to make sure your spouse isn't beating you before they send you home)
A glitch in the surgical plan so I came home with no nipple but a lift to both sides (HB and NB look nice and high) Apparently my implant shifted. I figured this out a few weeks ago when I was lying down and could see my breastbone protruding where my boob really should be. Dr said we could fix it now but couldn't do the nipple.. I figured might as well do both while I'm in there and save the nipple for a rainy day. No rush really. So I'm now sore on both sides. Weaning off percocet and experiencing the same darned stomach rash that I did last time. The funny thing is last time we assumed the rash was from an antibiotic that they put me on. This antibiotic. So best guess is something in the anaesthesia that's giving me an allergic reaction or the percocet. Can't surgery be just and ..move on. Why do side effects from things need to happen? This is trivial so not a huge deal. Regardless, was worth mentioning so called the doc's office today who said to take benadryl if needed, continue to rest and reminded me to wear my bra 24/7 for the next 3 wks. Darn, I thought they may have purposely forgot to mention that to me in recovery.
So am home. Resting. Dear husband is taking a few days off to help with the boys and to give me a break.
You're a prince honey..I'm sure you're just as ready as I am to put 2009 behind us.
Let's hope for health in 2010. Health and..
winning the lottery would be nice too.
Okay, I'll settle for health.


  1. This is what I came to your blog to read. Glad you are doing well!


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