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The Perfect Parent

Sometimes I let my son have an extra sweet for dessert.
I let my 4 yr old have orange soda or rootbeer when out to lunch. On a rare tea (Are you more in shock that i allow my son to have ice tea or the fact that he actually likes ice tea?)
When my child calls me at night into his room even after I tell him not to, I still go. Then he tells me "he wants a hug". I hug him.
I sometimes yell at my children so loud that I'm always amazed the Department of Social Services hasn't knocked down my door on occasion.
I pick my battles. Often.
I let my kids watch TV.
I, sometimes, spend too much money on cute clothes.
My 4 year old still refuses to poop in a potty. I'm sure this is my fault due to not pushing the issue sooner. I blame all of you.. all who told me not to push him (and my pediatrician. I blame him too)

So as a Mother, I do things I shouldn't as you can see. I give my children the occasional caffeine buzz. I often give in to their demands because...well, it's sometimes easier than the alternative. Instead of ALWAYS stretching the imagination I, on occasion, will sit them in front of an episode of Curious George (Hey, I still refrain from SpongeBob. That's something isn't it?)
This is what I figure..if this is the worst that I do as a Mom, I'm in pretty good shape.
I get tired..often tired, of people ripping into Mom's who seem to have all the answers. Mother's of older children, parents and inlaws (excluding my own of course) or just the plain know it all who seems to have all the advice (and answers) on parenting.
So here are my two cents.
Until you walk a mile in my shoes...
every day...
do not judge me.
As a matter of fact, do not judge anyone on how they are raising their children (unless of course abuse is involved and that is a whole other story. In that's fair to judge because it's just plain wrong.)
Do not judge me if after you heard me say no to my child that 5 minutes later you see me give in to him. Because really..lets look at the big picture it really that huge a deal?
Sure, there are big issues. And there are times you shouldn't give in. And there are times when it's easier to give in. We've all been there. There is no perfect parent out there..just those of you who may think you are.
Let me tell you..
you aren't.
You are not perfect.
I have bigger fish to fry day in and day out. Things like my child's therapies and feeding issues (not just the child who only eats chicken nuggets. I would kill for that kind of feeding issue) I have things that cause me a lot of worry..will my shy and language challenged child make friends more easily this year? Will he always struggle? Will he have a feeding tube until he is in college? Will my boys outgrow their potentially life threatening allergies? Will my Breast Cancer return?
Real Issues.
I'm not asking for a pity party (but feel free to throw some sympathy my way because I'm kind of having a crappy day)
But just remember..
don't judge.
You aren't in my house. You don't know my life. You haven't walked a mile....
hell you haven't even walked around the block in these shoes with me.

So let me give my kid the extra cookie now and again.

If that's the worst I do to screw up my kids....
then I consider myself a pretty great Mom.


  1. Thanks for this! I am the LEAST perfect parent on the planet and share many of your imperfections (except for the sugar ones because my son turns into the Tazmanian Devil if he dips a finger in frosting).

    You know what, it's okay to be tired and let things slide!!!! Especially with what you have going on. If the TV is your sanity take it, better than Xanax, well maybe not but better for you. :)


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