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Life doesn't always go as planned

My life didn't' exactly map out how I planned it to. Although I suppose, it rarely does. I didn't expect to be raising a child with special challenges, didn't foresee cancer in my future and certainly didn't think my role as a Mommy would be so challenging.
I believe I was meant to be a mother to boys. I'm not great at crafts and cant really make a french braid so I'm sure I'd be doomed! The boys....well lets just say they give me a run for my money.
They are active. Sometimes fresh. Energetic (A great thing except when you really just want 10 minutes of quiet time), stubborn, always on the go and never sit still. Maybe I just described every 4 and 6 year old out there but I feel like mine come with special challenges.
Oldest, as you know, has some developmental delays. I thought life would get easier as he grew. I'd hoped he would catch up sooner than he has. He has made amazing progress. I'm in constant awe of him. Friends of ours have recently given birth to twin boys at 24weeks. I'm reminded of a time when his life was so fragile. When I didn't know if he would make it. When I didn't know he would ever breathe on his own. So dont get me wrong..I'm incredibly thankful for where he is and where he could've been. But it's tiring. The therapies, the work..the progress is often accompanied by a "but"...

He is such a sweet loving boy who has so much in there....sometimes I just wish it was easier for him. Anything. Can just anything be easier for him.
Then there's youngest. Stubborn. Fresh. Funny. Verbal as hell. He gets it...and pretty quickly. This thrills me yet saddens me in the same breath.

Life should be easy at six.

I worry his childhood is being taken away by so much work.

Life doesn't always go as planned.
Sometimes you get caught in an endless storm.
