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Tis' the season (child #2)

I hate Winter.
I hate snow, the cold and the germs.
Ok, technically it's not winter yet but I still hate the germs.
Play dates are being cancelled left and right. Kids are staying home from school and Lysol and I are becoming fast, best friends.

2AM and youngest calls out for Daddy.
Hmm, I listen again.He never calls for Daddy. (He's a definite Mommy's boy) and besides, Daddy could sleep through an earthquake and never hear his shouting child.
I go in.
"Mommy. I have pukies in my bed" (I know, my kids say pukies for "vomit". So classy)
Terrific. Should've played asleep till husband heard him.
I need to wake him anyways because cleaning up a kid AND changing sheets at 2AM isn't real easy.
Miraculously, he managed to say fairly clean. Jammies in tact. No vomit all over his 25 "friends" that he sleeps with.
Dear husband changes the sheets. Okay buddy, time for bed.
Okay, knew this was coming as the kid was wide awake from the second he called me. Even in the middle of the night he doesn't stop talking.
He started to cry and refused to get into bed, stating he wasn't sleepy.
"I just want to get up for school"
Hmmm...not sure school is in his immediate future yet alone at 2AM.
I convince him to come into bed with us (surprisingly he agrees. Neither of my kids like or ever desire to sleep with us) and before long, husband is snoring and Jeremy follows suit.
Me...wide awake.
How is it that men manage to fall back to sleep within minutes while the women take hours.
I snuck out of bed and into the guest room (also known as my second bedroom. I often sleep in here because of the snoring guy next to me and my insomnia)
It only took me 2 hours to fall asleep.
Not too bad

Fa la la la la..
