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I get sentimental around Thanksgiving time. It's my most favorite holiday of the year ( a close second to Mother's Day. I love the company, my family is great and I could eat my Mom's stuffing for days on end.
Oldest's "theme" for show and tell this month is What I'm Thankful For. He has to bring in something each Monday to follow theme (let me tell you, this is not as easy as it may sound)
So I got to thinking..what am I thankful for?

The obvious:
chocolate and family (in no particular order)
a new house and a husband who lets me sleep on weekend mornings without fail
cute children who I love more then I ever thought possible..even when they are driving me to the verge of drinking
The fact that I'm cancer free and pretty much skated through it all
Oldest son scoring "grade level" on his math skills. (Okay, so I know we are talking Kindergarten but when you have a child with delays..everything is a HUGE deal. This is monumentous!)
My inlaws for without them I would never ever be able to get away without the boys.
(Puerto Rico..2 months and counting)
Fall in New England
People Magazine (because we all need a weekly escape)
and lastly..
I know, I've been sappy lately with the whole cancer thing but it does put everything into perspective (once again)
As you know all too well,I've been TESTED on more than one occasion..for some reason the good man upstairs thinks I'm tough as nails.
I'm not.
However, test or no test, I am so grateful for friends. True friends. And good people. There are people who have escaped from my life for years yet they show up and are really good, decent people. (No surprise as I wouldnt associate myself with anyone less!)
So thanks to you good people...

give thanks this holiday for the things that make you smile.
