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50 boring facts

1) I love to write. Secretly I'd love to get something published. For now I blog to whoever will read it.

2)Because I love to write, I often ignore my two amazing sons- while blogging.

3) I cannot live without chocolate. Really. I tried. And failed. Why try again?

4) Same goes for Diet Coke

5) And cupcakes

6)I'm a sucker for a good 80's tune

7) and showtunes

8)I never loved math. I still get hives when asked some kind of mathematical question

9) I blame my Father and Brother for this. At the age of 9 they quizzed me at the dinner table about square roots.

10)I love to eat popcorn at the movies

11) I always feel sick after I eat popcorn at the movies

12)Sometimes as I go through my day I think how can I turn this into a blog entry?

13)I waste way too much time on Facebook

14) I refuse to join Twitter

15)I get sceeved when I see my youngest son eat Cottage Cheese. The texture alone grosses me out.

16) I hope to have a second home one day. Chatham Massachusetts.

17) Or Bermuda

18)My blood pressure rises every time I cross the bridge into NYC

19)I'm thankful my husband has no desire to move back to there. It is why I allow him to try to transform my children into Yankee Fans. At least we can still live in Boston

20)I have an obsession with black clothing

21)I get sick on almost all amusement park rides.

22) I never panicked about getting mammograms until I hit 41

23)Oddly at 41 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer

24) I have a sixth sense. I dream about things which often come true

25) I dreamt my HS boyfriend was dating a woman named L. He ended up not only dating L but married her.

26)If only I could dream about tomorrows winning lottery numbers

27) I dont like mint candies or anything peppermint

28) I love mint chocolate chip ice cream but it has to be green.

29) I hate coffee.

30) I will occasionally drink a DD Iced Coffee as long as its decaf, french vanilla and flavored with three splendas and skim milk.

31) I have had three children. One passed away. One spent his first six months of life in a hospital and the other came out at 6lbs 7oz and was five weeks early. They have food allergies, asthma, speech delays, feeding issues, high energy, stubborn attitudes, and are extremely willfull, spirited children. They are also funny, handsome, caring, highly observant, and the perfect combination of my husband and me.

32)I'm totally freaked out by skunks

33) I have fears of being alone in the house and someone breaking in.

34) Since having children I have more fears then I ever thought imaginable.

35) I worry way too much

36) I still love to color in coloring books

37) My favorite color is purple but not in clothing

38) I'm allergic to my own cat

39) I admit I loved my cat more before children. I have no time for her now and that makes me feel guilty

40)I eat take out almost every weekend.

41)I'm a real estate voyeur.

42) Even though we just moved, and have no plans of moving again for a long while, I still check the real estate listings weekly.

43)I blame my husband for getting me hooked on Jelly Belly's

44) I blame my mother for my bad back and big thighs.

45)I can recite the theme songs to Mary Tyler Moore, MASH, One day at a Time and several other 70's shows thanks to my brother.

46) I can recite the McDonald's "Two all beef patty, special sauce..." commercial backwards.

47)I wish I continued taking piano lessons

48) I cant sing to save my life but love singing anyways

49) I got an A in typing and an D in Statistics. I failed my learners permit test

50) If you really read all 50 boring facts about me you are either an amazing friend or bored on a Saturday night.


  1. Wow--just more proof that we should indeed be neighbors, and why we get along so well! :O)


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