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Finishing Touches

Went to have one of my final touches put on NB today.
It's really amazing that I've watched this boob get created. From a skin flap, to boob, now the nipple.
A whole boob..within months thanks to plastic surgery.

This wasn't a huge deal today so I drove myself.
"You're here alone?" The nurse asks me as I check in. Not sure if she was mortified that I came to the hospital by myself or just wanted to see that she needed to find a place for my pocketbook.
"Yes. Alone" Defending my husband, I make sure she knows he is home with the kids not just a husband who could've given two hoots that his wife was at the hospital.

They make you arrive two hours prior. For what? 10 minutes of paperwork, time to change and then the rest...waiting.
The waiting room is actually entertaining. One family is there with their teenage son who looks like he would rather be in Calculus class.
Another couple comes in. Patient reeks of cigarette smoke (after all, need to get the final puff in before going under) and then complains about something the nurse said to him. Wife rolling her eyes the whole time while husband then yells back at her to go home if she is so tired.
Older couple on my right decided to tell the whole waiting room that it smells like "shit" and wonders why people cant read signs that clearly say NO CELL PHONES allowed. The wife tells him to mind his own business and the husband gets mad saying "even if we were all getting shot you would still be telling me to mind my own business!"

I try to stay focused on Family Circle Magazine but packed my glasses away with the rest of my belongings and cant see anymore now that I'm over 40.

Doc comes to get me. Draws on my NB (to verify were doing the NB and not putting a second nipple on the old one) and within minutes I'm on the table, draped with a cloth which makes me look like I'm getting ready for a C- section rather than a new nipple.

Nurse remembers me from my mastectomy. We chat about how she remembers my husband and how I was somewhat hysterical going into surgery. I remind her that I was, after all, getting my boob cut off because of Breast Cancer and was much calmer this time around.
The advantage of knowing your Doc (reminder, camp Alum) is that we sit and chat during the procedure about camp days. I wonder if I'm distracting him and hoping that my nipple isn't going to come out distorted as were taking a walk down memory lane.

The whole thing doesn't take too long and in fact, Doc was right, didn't really hurt (in spite of my not having any drugs!) I guess that's the advantage to NB. No feeling in it.
He puts on a nipple shield which reminds me of a dog collar that animals wear after surgery. It's cone like.
Now don't wear any tight clothing for the next week, he tells me. "You'll look kind of funny"
You think? Madonna will be calling me tomorrow to pose in her next video.

I drive myself home after rushing through post-op, declining the free ginger ale and saltines.
Take a good two hour nap (because who really sleeps the day before a procedure. Even if it is a minor one?) and now am ready to kick back with take out Chinese Food -topped off with some Percocet.

Just me, hubby, and my NB. Almost all finished!
