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Puerto Rico

I should have known I was jinxed when I checked the weather report days prior to leaving.
Scattered rain. Mostly cloudy.
I checked numerous other websites, sure to find one that would read "sunny, high 80's"
I prayed the meteorologists were wrong. They were known to be occasionally, weren't they?
We left Friday AM. Minutes after take off, Pilot USAIR says to us "It's raining in San Juan today. Not a great day. Actually they haven't had great weather this week. Sit back and enjoy the flight". I sit and complain to my husband who tries to remain optimistic for me. A week of bad weather, it's bound to take a turn.
We fly first class thanks to thousands of USAIR miles we've accumulated. Which actually is very funny considering we dont travel a lot. First class is great. Big comphy seats. Warm washcloths that smell like lemons prior to being served a meal. Endless of drinks- free of charge.

And there..back in coach. The deprived. They have to shell out $10 for a meal and you're lucky if you're thrown a bag of pretzels. I turn to my husband and although am happy for our upgrade; cannot help but feeling like the "upper white class" to the blacks made to sit on the back of the bus. They treat us like royalty because we paid more money. The curtain is closed separating first class from coach and they make an announcement that they cannot even use our bathroom. Seriously people? Are we living in 1950? I'm appalled. Although I still sit happily munching on my fresh fruit as the attendant hands me my smelly warm washcloth. What? You think I'm going to give up my seat?!

Panic attack sets in at 3hrs. We have to circle the airport due to too many planes landing (must be all the hot rain that everyone's rushing to Puerto Rico for) and I get stuck in my mind that I'm going to crash and leave my children without parents. Really. Anxiety attack to its fullest. I blame it on Captain Sully because it was the year anniversary of the crash on the Hudson and I decided I was going to follow suit. I'm digging my freshly painted french manicured nails into the palms of my husband's hand, at one point; I think drawing blood. He is happily looking out the window telling me were almost there as I start to shed tears. Real tears. I'm starting to hyperventilate and try not to think about my kids. If only I could divert my attention to the sun blazing out the window but that image is shattered because I cant see through the rain clouds.
We land and drive an hour to the hotel. It really is beautiful (the hotel; not so much the drive). Anxiety attack is gone and I'm feeling like the sun will clearly shine the next day.

We arrive to be told we got upgraded to an ocean view room. YES! See, luck is changing.

Or maybe not.

The next 3 days we saw 3 hours of sunshine total. It did allow us, however to do the following..
a very cool tour of the Rain forest
purchase a white raincoat poncho for $6.35
sip frozen drinks by the pool while basking under gray clouds
catch up on sleep
read two books each
eat good food
win $50 on the penny slots in the casino (PENNY SLOTS! Who knew?!)
see Jorge Pasada in the elevator(NY Yankee for those who aren't married to the diehard fan)
take nice smelling shampoo samples home from the hotel
purchase personalized puerto rico key chains for the boys
spend over $500 on food
and fly home again first class (minus the anxiety attacks this time)

So although I remain a glass half empty kind of girl we did somehow manage to see the sunshine through all of the clouds (are you catching the metaphor?) and enjoy a nice few days away from home.

The minute we landed in Boston, I turned on my "Mommy mode" as I realized all of the appointments and tasks I needed to do this week. PTO, Camp Reunion Meeting, 4 loads of laundry, pack school lunches, Breast MRI on Sunday,Nutrition apt for Oldest the following week,

It's like we never left!
