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Shiny Happy People

I'm not getting the facebook updates that are reading:
"I'm so sad vacation is over"
"Back to reality. UGH"
"Can't vacation last another 2 weeks?"

Seriously people?
I'm not feeling that kind of emotion over here.
In our house..
we're getting jiggy with it.
My 8 day migraine suddenly has disappeared.
My anxiety level..decreased.
Shouting..down to a bare minimum (okay, moderate)
But here in the Stern household there is just no sadness being felt.
Even the boys are excited to go back.
Structure? Hell yea! My kids thrive on routine. Not to mention they adore going to school.
Let's remember also what Monday is.
LUNCH BUNCH DAY! That's right! Youngest goes to school until 1:30. Did I mention that he now can go twice a week to lunch bunch? Monday and Tuesday!
Can you feel the excitement?

It's been a crappy few days and I dont use that term loosely.
We are back to the drawing board. Back to the land of pull ups, constipating ones self and talking about poop 24 hrs a day. I'm so tired of hearing about it so can only imagine that you have all tuned this part out too. I vow not to discuss it (for a while.)
The last 2 days haven't been too bad. Mostly because I got to see two movies. TWO. I can't even remember when I last saw one.
Had a date night and went to see "The Blind Side" which I totally recommend (and have to say I think Sandra looks good as a blonde)
Tonight..Up and Away.
Other than looking at George for 2 hours I have nothing too great to say. Oh wait, I do.
Dont bother.
Am not getting the six Golden Globe nomination thing.

In 12 hours my children will be going off to school.
Back to their routines.
Back to my routine.
My time where I get to breathe. In peace.

Until February Vacation.
