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Say what you want about Facebook.
Sure it's a place where people can play games about farm animals and somehow try to convince you to buy them
It's a place where you can reconnect with old friends
or choose to ignore them.
A place where you learn what your friend in Jr High math class is having for dinner on Thursday night
and a place where you can laugh from updates from your crazy friend.

It's also, I found, a place for support.
Yesterday a freshman at a local high school got hurt during a hockey game. Within hours a Facebook support page was formed and by the end of the day; over 3000 people joined.

It's a place to spread the word about donating to Haiti relief funds.

It's a place where I told my Facebook friends that my MRI was clean after I worried for the past 48 hours it wouldn't be.
I was flooded with good wishes.

So say what you want about this social networking tool....
but just don't talk smack about my 337 friends! They are all amazing.
