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Patrons of the Children's Museum in Boston today.
I apologize for my 4 1/2 year old son for pushing your child today when he was busy hogging the Curious George Elevator. He didn't mean to yell NO into her face and then ever so subtly, push her out of his way. See, he is....okay, 4 1/2, and should know better. You are right.
And to the people who were trying to eat lunch at Au Bon Pain, my apologies for interrupting your light conversation over bagels and coffee while I carried my son out of there screaming and tantrumming like a two year old. You see, he decided that spitting his tongue out at his parents would be the best way to handle his disappointment that they didn't carry the OAT bagel he wanted.
Those of you waiting in the lobby with your happy and excited children, I apologize that you needed to see my youngest throw his Curious George brochure across the floor and proceed to scream at me. He was, after all, expressing anger over the fact that his behavior didn't warrant a trip to the gift shop this time around. Imagine the surprise he must've felt? After all, he was screaming, yelling, pushing, throwing and whining...what did YOU MEAN Mommy I lost a trip to the gift store? When will I be able to get the Curious George stuffed animal that they sell here? Because Mommy, I dont have one. When Mommy? WHEN?!

To those of you in the parking garage who heard shrieks coming from a silver Saab, I apologize but no need of you to worry. It was just my youngest continuing to tantrum over the loss of the Oat bagel in CONJUNCTION with my oldest who screamed because he couldn't hear himself think. Oh, the louder voice you heard? Just my husband telling them both to stop it. What? It went on for minutes? Hmm, clearly the yelling of "STOP IT NOW" didn't work as wonderfully as dear husband thought it would.
Who was the woman holding her hand over her head next to dear husband?
Umm, that would be me.
The Mother trying to forget the past 3 hours and wondering what happened to her sweet and loving younger son?
Perhaps I left him in the museum.
