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How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways

1) I love you by allowing you to snore through the entire night so that you can get a total night sleep while I toss and turn in the guest room night after night.

2) I love you by cleaning up the toilet you pee in, cleaning the germs from your sink handles, vacuuming the floors you walk on, and cleaning the water marks from the mirror that you shave in front of.
What? You thought these cleaned themselves?

3) I love you so much that I ignore your burps, your cursing at TV's during sporting events, your desire to make my children into YANKEE fans, your forgetfulness to turn on the disposal even though you swear to me you hardly ever forget.

4)I love you so much that I remain sober every night so that I can help you put the children to bed when in actuality I should be drinking a bottle of wine because I had THAT kind of day. Every day is THAT kind of day when raising two young boys

5) Finally, dear husband, love of my life, I love you for who you are. Faults and perfections. The whole enchilada. I love that you always allow me to sleep an extra 15 minutes. I love that you never need to be asked to help me put away laundry or do a dish. I love that you are always understanding about my need for a girls night out, a day of shopping or just some alone time. I love that you get me. I love that when I was in the hospital, pregnant with our twin sons, you visited me every night often bringing me fribbles, people magazine and crossword puzzles. I love that you are my rock. I love that after my mastectomy you sat by my bedside even though I was doped up on morphine and wouldn't have known that you weren't there. I love that you don't laugh at me when I cry at LIFETIME movies and you understand my sarcastic (yet obviously very funny) humor. I love that you are my partner in every sense of the word. I love that although we've been dealt some really crappy cards, you never want to fold'em

Happy Valentines Day Dear Husband.
