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Money, Money, Money

Let's face it, raising children is pricey.
Being a stay at home Mom is pricey too because I often find the only therapy that works is retail therapy. That being said, I've compiled a list on how to save money.

Do not sign your children up for extra curricular activities. A 30 minute session of Karate is going to cost me $237 for two boys, 4 week sessions.

Do not send your child to summer camp. See previous post.

Home school. This way your children wont be tempted for the above mentioned because their friends at school wont be talking about it.

Do not take your children food shopping with you. You inevitably will buy much more than you intended to buy.

Cut coupons and don't be afraid to use them. Times are tough; the cashier at the supermarket checkout will not look at you twice, believe me.

Do not give up necessities like cable TV or the occasional trip to the mall. After all, we all need an escape.

Our children? Don't worry. They get escapes elsewhere by you playing Chutes and Ladders 100 times, clapping at all of their "shows" they perform and by building endless Lego cities. Do they really need the Karate class that teaches them self discipline and confidence?

Oh crap
okay, I'll give up one shopping trip this week but that's all
