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Say it isn't snow

I've talked about this before but it bares worth repeating.
I'm not getting the parents who are loving the idea of a snow day. To boot, a snow day two days-- TWO DAYS, before school vacation week.

Seriously parents, what am I doing wrong?
How am I not feeling the joy about a snow day?

I'll tell you how because I know this is what my day would look like.
610AM- Daddy. Mommy. Daddy. Mommy.

Two adorable boys, ages 4 and 6, stay in jammies while Mommy sits and curses at the TV.
800AM- Dear husband leaves to go to work. Leaving Mommy behind with the above mentioned adorable boys.

810AM- Mommy. What are we going to do today? Mommy want to play Candyland? Want to play chutes and ladders?
Can I play computer?
Can I play leapster?

Mommy. Jared's taking my leapster. Don't do that Jared. Jared, move. Jared I'm playing

830AM. Mommy can I watch a show? Jeremy picked a show last time. It's my turn to pick a show. Not that one. I already watched that one.

9AM- Mommy what are we going to do today?

915AM- Mommy lets go play in the snow.
Snow pants. Hat. Socks. Boots. Mittens.

- Mommy I need to go the bathroom. Yes I know you just asked if I had to go and I screamed at you and promised you that I didn't have to go but now I do. Yes, I know you were right and I should always listen to you because Mommies know best.

930AM- I'm cold Mommy. I'm all done playing in the snow. Let's go in

935. Mommy what are we going to do now?

What? It's not even 10AM. 6 more hours till dear husband comes home. Then a week more of this called school vacation.

Yes my fellow mothers. This is why I'm not understanding the love of a snow day.

My recollections of past snow days didn't include my Mother sitting with me for hours on end playing board games.
As a matter of fact, I remember entertaining myself.
Imagine that?

The days where it was not only safe to go out alone but expected.
The days where we rode bikes alone in the streets and our mothers didn't fear things like kidnappings.
The good ol' days.

So as I look out my window of this impending storm and there is not even a flutter in sight (YET)
I keep my fingers crossed that there will be school tomorrow
because one can only play oh so much candy land
(without a glass of wine in hand)
