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Keeping the ovaries

I went for Genetic testing two weeks ago; suggested by my oncologist and surgeon.
Apparently, I am at higher risk for carrying a Breast/Ovarian Cancer gene because of family history as well as because I'm Jewish.

Yup. Read that right. Being a Jewish woman from Ashkenazi descent puts me in a higher category off the bat.
Us Jews have always had it rough!

So for two weeks I patiently waited. I had already made my decision what I would do if I was a carrier.
The ovaries would come out.
I wouldn't opt for another mastectomy because I'm already being watched closely but the ovaries...they were goners.

Genetic counselor called this AM while I was on my way to Roche Brothers.
"Is this a bad time?" she asked.
I thought for a moment if I would be crying in the fruit aisle if the news was bad and figured I'd already come to terms with things so,
this time was fine.

She opens the envelope while on the phone with you.
We find out at the same time so there was nothing I could read into in her tone of voice.

"You are NOT a carrier"
I made her repeat the word NOT just to make sure I heard her clearly.

Seriously, something finally going my way?
Maybe 2010 wont be so bad after all.

The upside-
keeping the ovaries
no early menopause (unless experienced by Tamoxifen which Im on for 4 1/2 more years!)

the downside-

