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A teaching moment

Oldest was in speech therapy from the second his trach came out  (19 months of age).
We spent the better part of 10 years of our life going back and forth to speech therapy; often twice a week.

When you have a trach in  well past your time to start babbling;  it kind of comes with the territory.

I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.

And this kid has climbed mountains.
Without complaining.
(He is so unlike his mother who takes every opportunity to complain)
Point is.
Damned proud.

Some of his speech issues are still prevalent and at times; he has a stutter.

His friends are the greatest people on this side of the planet and are patient and kind and have never once teased him of this.

As far as I know, either have classmates.

That said; I know this can be stressful for people listening and waiting for him to get his point across.

I marvel at his strength to persevere and not get frustrated by clamming up.

I remind him that everything he has to say is important and that he should not shy away from speaking out.

I have never treated him any differently than his brother (other than the fact that he is much neater and more organized and that, THAT is TOTALLY from his mother!) (And you know, I kind of praise him for that in front of the less neat brother)

But for the most part, love the eyerollers equally.

Tonight we went to dinner and oldest told the server what he wanted to eat.
It took a bit.
She was patient and thoughtful.

Until she came back and spoke to me directly.

"Would he like another drink?"

I waited for her to turn towards oldest.

Since, well, clearly the question was directed towards if HE would like another drink.
He is almost 15 so it's not like she was asking me with my toddler by my side.

I started to stew but decided to just direct my attention to oldest and ask him "I dont know". I said. "Would you like another drink?"

"No thank you", he stated. 

I'm hoping she got the gist of this learning session.

Needs glasses.
Hearing impairment.
Lack of mobility.
Bad taste in clothes.

We all deserve respect.
Treat us with dignity.
We are all getting up each day trying to do the best we can with challenges that face us.
And remember, we ALL have challenges.

Do I think patient waitress meant to be disrespectful?
I do not.

Am I still a bit annoyed?
You betcha.
But only because I love my kid so fiercely I hate to see anyone talk down to him.

That kid?
Playing fortnight.
Clearly not as annoyed.
