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Two great dads

Dec 2, 2000 I gave a speech.
It was my wedding day and part of it went something like :

"I know I wanted to meet someone who was loyal, and ambitious and simply wonderful. I wanted someone who I didnt need to change for and who would love me just the way I was. I realized I wanted someone just like my Dad. But how do you find someone who can measure up to the first man you ever loved?"

I think the rest went something like how fortunate I was to have met DH.

A guy who does have many of my father's characteristics.

A sense of integrity
good decent morals
and the need to buy the orange juice which is on sale.

It's been 8 years since I last was able to hug my Dad.

Sometimes it seems every day of the 8 years and sometimes it seems like only 8 minutes.
I can still picture his face and hear his voice calling me "baloo baby"  (As in Abaloo. Obviously)

I feel pretty damned lucky to have been raised by one of the best and to have another one of the best beside me raising our boys.

I miss my Dad. More so these days as my mom ages alone.

I miss his gentle manner and how no matter what I did that was wrong; I really could do no wrong as far as he was concerned.

I miss having chocolate frappes with him and listening to Gershwin songs together.

He would have been so proud of seeing my boys grow into the great (eyeroller) kids that they are today.

But one of my favorite quotes I've ever read sums up my relationship with him:

"My father gave me me the greatest gift anyone could give; he believed in me"

Thank you DH, for being that wonderful person also in my life.
And for doing the same to our sons.
