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National Cancer Survivor Day

Yesterday was National Cancer Survivor Day.

I am guessing I speak for most of "US" but every day is national cancer survivor day.

I wont get all preachy because believe you me, I am certainly not smelling roses and smiling at my eye roller teens every single day, but, for a good chunk of time, I feel good about my existence.

When I start to go down the rabbit hole- you know the one- the one I've talked about ad nauseam  (why me, hating the scars, cursing my short hair)
I do often  think... I gotta stop this shit.

Because there are people who couldn't "beat' cancer.
And what does that mean anyway? I got lucky because I passed GO?
There's no beating it.
You don't win because you played the game better than the other person.
We all want to win.

Sometimes it just beats us.

I was reminded recently of DH's co-worker  who died from breast cancer a few years back.
I shouldn't say reminded of, because although I didn't know her well, she has always remained in my heart.  I tear up often when I think of the little boy she had to leave behind and how cancer is just really, REALLY unfair.

I think of a mother I know who had to bury her young son because he too "lost the battle".

I thought of them yesterday,  on survivors day,  thinking so many of us have joined the sorority but so many of us had to leave it in the most unfair of terms.  There needs to be a cure found and that's really just the bottom line.

Wrong living environment,  not enough salmon in your diet, bad genes.
Who really cares how we got it just let's not get it again.

So yes, I do look for paraben free beauty stuff now.
I do try (operative word) to be healthier all around.
But will it stop cancer from returning?
I doubt it. If it's going to return it's going to return.
Healthy omegas or not (whatever an omega is)

So please, on national cancer day,  sure be thankful you are here but then, remember those who aren't.
And hope for some really good research.
So we can stop the sororities from expanding.

And save the salmon.
