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Play in the sand box

I’ve had a stressful couple of weeks (I’m fine)
Talking to some friends it seems everyone is feeling it. 
Maybe it’s the end of school year (or maybe it’s the 3 band concerts, 15 sporting events and last minute exams) 
I think everyone is just anxious- and ready- for some summer down time. 

Whatever  it is- I realize I was needing some mental health time. 

Something I may not have recognized a couple years ago. 

Something that may seem like a cop out but is essential to our well being. 

Mental health is front and center in the news these days so anyone who feels that you needing a mental health day is a load of bs isn’t seeing the full picture.

I decided when I couldn’t sleep last night that today would be MY day. I wasn’t sure what that would entail but I was sure it would mean trying not to stress.

Ironically a friend texted asking if I was free for a last minute lunch. I jumped at the chance.
 It was a gorgeous day and a vent session and get together with a girlfriend is just what the doctor would have ordered for me.

I rolled down my car window on the way to meet her while rocking out to “Edge Of 17” and stopped at  a red light. 
I looked over and at our local preschool were 6 toddlers playing in the sand box. 
Boys and girls. 
White skin. Brown skin. 
One with glasses and one with a missing shoe. 
I could hear the giggles through my rolled down window. 

I smiled. 
And I breathed.
For the first time in what seemed to be a week. 

Please take time for yourself. 
It is so imperative. 
Not only for you but for those that you care for.
For those that you care about.
Stress is going to happen unfortunately.
 It’s how we deal with it that we can learn to control. 

And if that means playing in the sand box with one shoe
Than you go for it. 

And make sure you giggle. 
