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Boob Talk

My boob is shifting.
No lie.
Apparently this can happen to implants.
Thing is, this was corrected once already when I went in to get HB lifted. But, new boob decided to reshift itself.
Have a consult with Doc to figure out why. It's driving me crazy. I realize I still treat this thing as if it's a foreign object (oh wait. It is a foreign object) I find myself sometimes holding onto it when I bend like it's going to fall right out of me.
It's weird.

Was thinking that my oncologist told me I needed to go for an MRI on HB every 6 months. I start counting thinking when six months would be.
And it's now.
Six months is now.
I cant believe that six months ago I had surgery. It seems like forever ago.
It's still pretty raw. Not the physical scars..the emotional ones.
I dont cry and stuff but I sometimes lie in bed at night (annoyed at my shifting boob) and replay the whole scenario in my head.
"Hi Abby. It's M"(my doc. I call her by her first name bc we worked together)(And no, her first name isn't M but were protecting privacy and all)
"Are the kids in bed? Is your husband with you?I wanted to talk to you about your biopsy results"....
the rest you know.
"You're going to be fine. You will probably need a mastectomy but listen to me..YOU ARE GOING TO BE FINE"
I am fine.
In the big scheme of things, sure I'm fine.

It's the holidays though and did I mention I hate Winter? So I think about how much I hate Winter and how my summer was wasted lying in bed recovering from Breast Cancer and how I go through pity parties every once in a while and that I deserve a little happiness thrown my way.

So on my holiday wish list this year.
Happiness would be okay for a while.
Or a winning scratch ticket.
And while you're at it.. a boob that doesn't shift!
