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My other world

I used to live in another world.
My online world.
It was a sisterhood and my biggest support system when I was going through my infertility issues. The women on my "boards" (as in message boards dealing with infertility) were the only ones who truly got it..
I didn't know any of them from my "real life" yet I knew how many IVF cycles they went through, if they were pregnant before some of their closest friends knew (and in some cases even before their spouses knew!.) We were there for each other after each failed cycle and cheered when they got the news of a BFP (big fat positive).
After I became pregnant with twins, I joined another sisterhood. My trached sisterhood. Parents of children who had tracheostomies. I also got a lot of comfort from a group of preemie moms. My boards were invaluable to me.
Although I do not frequent them nearly as much anymore (who has that time due to Facebook now being my biggest time suck!) but there are a few from my early years that I'm still in touch with. A few through the years who I've actually met IRL (in real life!) and one that I consider my real life friend even though I just met her yesterday.
A and I have been through more together then I have with many of my current friends simply because we met early on in our lives..pre children. Sadly we also share many of the same losses.
However it was completely normal yesterday when her husband and two gorgeous girls showed up at my doorstep for lunch. It was like seeing an old friend. I shed a few tears (of happiness of course) and smiled as I looked at her two daughters. I remember our struggles as if they were yesterday yet at the same time, it was so long ago.
I loved my other world; in spite of our troubles that connected us.
But I love my real world too.
So happy I could connect the two!
