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Count your blessings; not your troubles.

I was rummaging through old emails and came across this quote that I had sent to someone.
How often we all forget to do this.

It was a perfect reminder for me today as I'm, once again, feeling overwhelmed by all of the day to day issues in my life. You know, the whole stubborn 4 year old who I'm ready to send to his room until he is 20 or until he poops in the toilet- whatever comes first.
The six year old who I love more than life itself yet whose life stresses me out due to his therapies and struggles. I find myself losing my cool over whining, eating struggles, speech issues, etc.
I lie in bed at night when I'm much calmer and have time to be rational and think to myself what stressed me out that day. Then I laugh because I am so angry that I'm stressed over poop. I'm angry that I lose my patience with a child who cannot help his delays and feeding struggles. I'm angry that I'm angry.
So when I lie in bed after a long hot bubble bath,
when I try to regain my sanity,
I do try to remember what I have.
The good I have.
And there's a lot.

So in spite of two stubborn children
daily therapies that take up our afternoon and stress headaches on a daily basis..
I need to remind myself more to count my blessings

and stop bitching about my troubles.


  1. A good reminder for all of us Mommies! I've been losing it on a daily basis lately and this is supposed to be "the most wonderful time of the year."
    Thank goodness each day is a clean slate. :O)


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