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Winter Wonderland

The weather outside is frightful.
12 inches and counting.
During the Winter months I question why I live in New England. It looks pretty..from inside my warm abode.
The kids had fun playing
For 20 minutes.
Until my four year old's mittens keep falling off and my older son's nose doesn't stop running. Fun was had by all until my husband ran over the Sunday paper with the snow blower (ahh, that's where it was hiding?!) and had to remove the arts and leisure section from the blades of the new machine.
We then came in, threw our wet clothes in the dryer (okay, I threw the wet clothes in the washing machine, pushed start, and didn't realize for 20 minutes that I threw them in the wrong appliance), made Rice Krispy treats, washed youngest son's hands 4 times because he kept sticking his hands in the marshmallow before I could form a krispy treat and all fun was over by 1030AM.

The snow is still piling up outside my window.
Dear husband is venturing out for his second time to plow the driveway and we are all climbing the walls after watching Mickey, Dora AND Caillou.
Will make the 20 minute drive over to my parents just for a change of scenery. Mom says it will be good for my Dad to see someone else's face besides hers for the past 4 days. It's been that cold it hasn't been worth them going out.

We did however manage to get out pre-snowstorm to celebrate my Dear Husband's 40th. Left the kids at home with a sitter and had a nice dinner for two at the new IT restaurant in Boston. Great food. Nice room. Glass of wine and ending the meal with a chocolate souffle. What can be bad about that?

The $16 valet fee.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
