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Merry Hanukkah

I hate Winter.
Sure the snow looks beautiful when it first falls but honestly, not a fan.
It's cold and messy. I hate bundeling my kids up in 5 layers only to be told 5 minutes later that they need to pee.
I dont have patience to put their hands into each finger of a glove and mittens never seem to stay on.
It bares worth mentioning's cold.

Needless to say that means I'm counting down the days until I lay poolside with my husband in puerto rico.
Four weeks from today.

School vacation is approaching.
Another reason to hate Winter. School vacation is long.
Too long!

New study shows that Breast Cancer survivors who have a few drinks/week are more likely to see their Cancer return then non-drinkers. I admit I'm tipsy these days after a glass of wine and easily get migraines but honestly, cant anything get us through a crappy ordeal anymore?

They are coming out of the woodworks saying they had an affair with Tiger Woods. It's enough already. Seriously. Sex addiction or no sex addiction the guy obviously is a slime and it would be nice if his wife could just catch a break and not be totally humiliated.

Hannukah starts tomorrow. Have already played Dreidel 10 times. Thank goodness my son's Kindergarten teacher sent home instructions on how to play. I never remember the rules. I also find it quite humorous that he got a Drediel from school considering we are one of 20 jews in our town!
As the boys aged we decided to do the eight night gift thing. It's actually really cute as they are beyond excited for tomorrow night. They want to each light their own menorah and then they sit on the couch, eyes closed, ready to unwrap a gift. I've told them that some nights they will get their own gift and other nights they may share one.
"But Mommy. On my first night I want my OWN gift. Okay Mommy? Because I know I'm getting the clipboard I want with my name on it. Right Mommy?"

Kid's only asked me for the past 190 days if he could have it.

Happy Hannukah all!

And to all...a good night
Oh wait, wrong holiday?
