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Be like Maine

Dear fellow worriers
I’ll be 100% truthful with you
I’m not doing great.
I’ve joked I’ve wanted to keep my boys home in a bubble in the past- because things like peanut allergies and them driving and growing up scares the bejesus out of me some days. But for the most part - I was kidding.

Now here we are - living in a bubble- and it’s not making me calm. Im forever grateful they are at home with me where I know they are safe and I can keep them safe but I’m getting scared.

I know this is normal. I know many of you are also scared. (And the ones that aren’t - please give me tips how not to be).  I need to stay away from reading every single  social media article posted . I certainly need to stop listening to our narcissistic president (I cannot believe we are in a pandemic and he is the one supposed to be leading us through this. This worries me on top of the 100 other worries). I worry our death toll is rising. I worry this won’t end any time soon.

I’m guessing many of you share my worries. I’m really trying not to let my mind go there but considering I’m the one who is normally awake at 2AM worries about something that may happen, has already happen or may never happen- this is kinda how I roll.
God bless DH who has held my hand and helped me to breathe on more than one occasion.

I hope you have a hand holder by your side. And if you don’t - please reach out to one virtually.

Im the first one to crack jokes about my love of wearing sweatpants and worry that my kids hair will look like Shaun Cassidy by the time we are said and  done with this but behind my sarcasm is a lot of angst.

My silver linings for today:
My kids are in their room finally doing school work.
One of them even brushed their hair for his video class "check in".
and finally, this...

Last year we bought a vacation home in Maine.  Every time we go there, we comment about the laid back people- the polite exchanges- the friendliness.  I love that much of the country seems to be turning a page. Helping each other out instead of knocking each other down.  Maine's motto is "Maine. The way life should be."#belikemaine
