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Social Distancing Day 6, Puppy Day 4

Hello Fellow Social Distancers and welcome to day I like to call "not sure what day of the week it actually is".

For inquiring minds, my pup slept much better and shout out to all that recommended snuggle puppy with the beating heart beat. I thought you were all a bit nuts to spend $40 on a beating heartbeat stuffed animal but OMG- she slept- in the crate- without whining for an hour. Best $ I EVER spent.

Im also pretty positive she is loving the social distancing thing because she is surrounded by her family now every second of every day for the unforeseeable future (God help us if there is no end date to this madness)

We are holding up fairly well over here, yet I am keenly aware it is only day 6.
Oldest is definitely bored out of his skull with no sports on, no desire to read, no online classes as of yet and no interest in baking or puzzling! At first I was thinking to myself "oh these poor parents who have to keep the younger kids busy all day" but am now thinking you may actually have the easier gig.

My silver linings of the day:

I may not put on a stitch of makeup (or a bra) until the month of May.

The sun is out and it's a gorgeous day in MASS.

I went for a 3 mile walk and smiled as I saw others walking, kids playing soccer in the yard and a family playing tennis in their driveway.

I'm sensing a softer, kinder world today and I pray this continues. My news feed has been filled with cute dogs, funny memes, and some really great kindness stories. If nothing else comes out of this madness, we at least are kicking ass at handwashing.

On a more serious note, I'm worried about the people who suffer from depression and anxiety during these times. We are not yet climbing walls but I have no doubt some of us may be shortly. (And I very well could be amongst the list)

Here is a great link to some FREE downloads. Please feel free to share.

And continue to share your silver linings. We all need to lifted up.

Stay healthy.
Stay sane.
