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Social Distancing Day 16, Puppy day 14

Ive reached a new low.
I am angry at a 14lb, 10 week old bernedoodle puppy.

I just want my life back.

I want to be able to watch Law and Order without worrying she is going to pee on the floor.
I want to sleep through the night (or you know, not sleep through the night but be able to get up to pee without being afraid Im going to wake the dog in the crate that MUST be next to me or she wont sleep)

Im worrying about our life getting back to normal.
And that means puppy and corona all mixed into one.

My teen boys have been rockstars.
They are hanging out, doing what they should be doing, and are seemingly, so far, unscathed.

Not so much.
Because I'm angry at a puppy.

And  as I write, youngest is googling April Fools pranks.
As if this giant virus isn't one big awful prank.

Silver linings:
I am ROCKING the unshowered, no make up, sweatpants for days look.
