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I'm no Doctor but I do play one

Oldest has another pneumonia. Yes, I say another because he has had countless in his life. (note to readers..he just turned six. I'm 41 and do not think I've ever had one) I know to most if you were told your child has pneumonia you may go into panic mode. I don't. I walk calmly out of the doctor's office, Zithromax in hand, knowing signs to look for if he gets worse. I sigh...heavily.
I sigh because I often wonder what I did to deserve this? Sure, I am not the sick one but I consider myself a fairly good person. I don't smoke or do drugs. I'm kind to the elderly and only say the occasional curse word. I didn't drink one sip of wine during my pregnancy and the worst thing I did for my two pregnancies was have one too many trips to McDonald's. I know many out there have done worse than this.
Yet. Here I am.I have two young boys who are tortured with numerous health issues. I know I have blogged (aka complained) about this before so I will try to refrain myself from my why me post but come on...seriously?
I was just talking to a Mom of two who told me her daughter, now 3, has barely been into her pediatrician for a sick THREE YEARS! My pediatrician's office has a parking space reserved for me out front and a plaque named after our family who supports the office with the frequent visitor program. Ear tubes, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, ear tubes again, food allergies, asthmatic children who have both been hospitalized due to severe attacks, prematurity, BPD (aka crappy lungs in a premature child) and oh yes..lets not forget countless pneumonia's.
So as my Mother says "oy" when I tell her Oldest is sick I don't flinch. I drive home, fill up his initial dose of antibiotics and know he will probably be feeling much better within 48 hours.
No, I'm not a doctor but I do play one in real life.
