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Wednesday's Tidbits

I need to video tape my boys more. They are really funny sometimes and becoming quite the performers. I know these times go by so quickly so I need to savor them.

Craving a good salad and a movie. Dying to see Julie and Julia. My friend asks me "what's that?" Honestly, doesn't everyone have the TV on 24/7 like I do? And aren't they at least watching Access Hollywood or reading People magazine? Yes, I admit. I've had quite a bit of free time lately but even if I didn't, I'd still know Julie and Julia! Salad part is being handled by devoted husband who ran out to get me one for dinner since I have nothing fresh in the fridge even remotely close to a salad.

Started driving again. It's true. I didn't forget how.

Oldest had 20 beans at feeding therapy today. When you're a kid who still doesn't eat (for those just joining read earlier posts on his issues) you count things like beans, bites of spaghettios and how much of a cream cheese sandwich you eat. I'm proud (and frightened) to say that progress is being made. He now actually enjoys going to feeding therapy (it only took 2+yrs to get here), I don't know the last time he vomited (as my late grandmother says poo poo poo, meaning, lets not jinx anything here) and we (meaning he) is actually gaining some chewing skills. Again, I say this quietly with trepidation but... progress. Speech is really coming along and we start Kindergarten again in a few wks (Again because he is repeating. He only turned 6 last week and really needs the repeat of the year. I think it will be great for him. Bonus we got his same teacher who we all adore. Hallah to RG-Kindergarten teacher extraordinaire)(Hallah..come on, don't you watch Ellen?)

Am President of the Preschool PTO this coming year. Should be interesting-am happy the Breast Cancer crap is behind me at least. Feel free to refer to me in the future as Madame President if you'd like. I'm used to it since that's how I make my family address me! :-)

Happy Hump Day to you all.
