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Rest and Recovery

So far Im not doing real well at this bedrest thing. After being on bedrest for 10 1/2 weeks when pregnant with my twins, I know that it's not as easy as it sounds. Sure, a few days of being pampered is appealing but after 24 hrs of it, I was itching to do something. Slowly I picked up a few toys, put away a dish, all the while being yelled at by my husband to sit down and he will do it. I know he will. The guilt overcomes me though that I'm sitting around, doing nothing, literally, and he is cooking, taking care of the boys, doing laundry, caring for me, and running up and down the stairs 100 times. I know he doesn't care and would never ever complain about it but it's just not knowing how to rest and recover.
I'm on day 4 with NB(new boob) and the swelling seems to be going down a bit. I think I've gone from what looks like a EEE to maybe now a DD. Doc told me they got it pretty close in size to my healthy one so I'm sure once the swelling starts to go down it will look as good as new. The plan is to go back in a few months anyways to make them a match set ("lift" my good side) Dear Husband has been a trooper with the draining portion of it. Warning TMI (too much information) about to be shared for those who may get squeamish..
So there's this drain sutured into my NB that looks like a plastic hand grenade. Twice a day it has to be drained because its collecting my excess fluid. At first it looked pure red which I assume was because it was blood but now its a beautiful orange/yellow tint which is because were getting close to taking the drain out and the fluid is becoming less and less. I see the DR (aka fellow CTN alum) on Tuesday to get it removed. I cant wait. Carrying it around, pinned to my bra, is not the most comfortable feeling. I'm also constantly holding my arm over myself like a pregnant woman because I dont want the boys accidentally seeing it. They would have 100 questions that they wouldn't understand answers to and frankly, have no need to see it.
No..this rest and recovery thing isn't so easy!
