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I will Survive

I know Gloria Gaynor's song is about some kind of breakup but figure the words hold true to my past 8 months.

I had my last, official apt with Dr Plastic Surgeon today. NB is finished (other than this tatooing thing which I may pass on. After all, how many people are viewing my boobs these days?)
The appointment was bittersweet actually.
I am so happy to be done with this part of my life yet, I know, NB is a constant reminder of what I've been through.
And that's okay; this reminder.
Because it keeps me grounded.
Reminds me of the important things in life.

Reminds me that I have one boob slightly larger and slightly lower then the other. Hey, no one can be perfect.
I've accepted this (although I do drive dear husband crazy by asking him daily if he is sure I dont look lopsided in my bra)

So I'm calm and feeling good...
until July when I go for my next mammo

At first I was afraid,
I was petrified..

It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart

I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live

I will survive
