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When it rains...

it's a monsoon.

That's been my week.

Shoulder MRI showed some kind of tear of something and tendonitis. Nothing serious but Im sure my ortho is going to tell me to do PT. Who the hell has time for PT? Shoot me up with some cortisone and send me on my way. Unfortunately, he wont be doing any sending for another two weeks bc I cant see him till then.

My Dad's in the hospital in heart failure. The term actually sounds scarier than it is but it basically means he has too much fluid around his heart. He has had heart issues for about 5 yrs and it's wearing him down.

Refrigerator is leaking. Two weeks to go till warranty expires. Wait 2 hours for GE repair man to come to then tell me after 5 minutes he needs to order parts and return next week. Same time frame. Nothing like killing your afternoon.

Oldest has been invited to a laser tag party. Laser tag with guns. Not sure I approve of this but am sending him anyways. Kid's socially shy as it is I cant ban him from attending the cool parties at the age of six.

Youngest has a cough that wont quit and in spite of his arm being in a cast, he managed to give himself a haircut.
