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Will the real Abby please stand up?

Two days after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, my identity was stolen. I never wrote about it because, well, frankly, I was bombarded with cancer crap.
I saw a piece on a show on identity theft recently and it brought back emotions.

Mostly anger.
At myself and at the stupid person who thought she could be Abby Stern and take out 10k from my savings account while she was in Universal City, California..without me noticing.

Thankfully dear husband is a smart cookie and puts out alerts on our accounts. If we withdraw over a certain amount, our bank notifies us, by email.
We so happened to be on email at 9PM that night when we saw said notification.

After hours on the phone with the bank, verifying I was indeed who I said I was, we put a hold on our accounts and spent the better part of the next morning opening new ones in a local branch.

A huge pain in my behind, to say the least.

Later that day I got a call from my bank asking if I was in California.
I looked around at my house. Yard. No palm trees. No smog. No, I absolutely was not in California.

Taken right from a Law and Order episode, she told me they had the fake Abby Stern sitting at their bank branch, wanting to withdraw an additional 5k. They took her ID and while on the phone with me, she took off (At least she isn't a total moron)

End of story.
Not quite.
Yes I got my 10k back.
Yes it's been a quiet year and no other money has been stolen.
However, I had to run credit reports. Watch bank accounts. Watch credit card action. Change passwords.

It was a violation.
It was scary
It was a pain.

I blame myself for letting my guard down.
Two days prior, Dana Farber Hospital (or so I thought) called me to confirm my upcoming apt with the Breast Surgeon.
Reminder, I had just been diagnosed two days prior. My mind was not exactly focused.
She asked for address, DOB, and yes, social security number.

Of course I should know better.
Of course I NEVER EVER should give out that kind of information over the phone.
My guard was down.
I believed it was Dana Farber.

They preyed on someone who they knew was in an emotional state.

This story has never been confirmed but it's all too coincidental.

So for those reading.
Stand strong
Be on guard at all times.
In your worst of moments, do not give out private information.

Trust no one.
