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Thursday Thoughts

I love my accountant. Thank you for bringing us a refund this year.

and I love my cleaning lady.

Oldest has lice going around his classroom. I'm thankful I have two boys with short hair. I itch just thinking about it.

The week from hell just keeps on coming

I would be happy just watching the last 5 minutes of AMERICAN IDOL.

I live in New England and I've never been to Nantucket. It's time to change that this summer

Nothing beats an afternoon dancing to disco music with my 4 yr old

Some Mother's amaze me with their elitist attitudes. It's no wonder their children grow up to be snobs

I have an urge to bake cupcakes but have no time

2 months till Disney World. My boys still dont know "for sure" that we're going and I cant wait to experience a week there with them. As much as I complain, they really are at a great age
