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The first day of school

Oldest had his open house this morning- Kindergarten "officially" starts tomorrow. Even though he was in K last year, same teachers, same room even, he was still slightly overwhelmed while walking in. Jared is shy and often apprehensive in new situations. His eyes welted up with tears when he said hi to one of his favorite teachers from last year. Tears with a little fear.
As we walked in I looked around for a table to sit at while I filled out his paperwork. He stayed close by checking out the table filled with playdough. I glanced up every so often to check on Oldest and to see the other parents. Many seemed to know each other, talking perhaps about older siblings. I knew a few of the other parents but not many. I consider myself outgoing and would never label myself as shy but there, I understood his feelings of being overwhelmed. We had just spent the last 90 days or so on summer break. Relaxing a bit longer in the mornings in our jammies, no real structure to our days and we are now facing a new situation once again.
I smiled at the other parents, introducing myself and my son, making small talk. Yet there was Oldest, not far by my side. We all long for comfort and familiarity. We look around for a face that we recognize so that we remember we're not alone on this new journey.
His tears didn't last long and we held hands as we walked out of school. It's going to be a good day tomorrow, isn't it? I asked.
"Yeah" he said, smiling..
running towards the car.
